Newark Art Gallery owners leave old premises at 37 Kirkegate into the space between Newark Healthfood Shop and Sibley’s Butchers.

An art gallery has relocated to new premises offering a bigger, brighter and more colourful atmosphere and space to its visitors.

David and Debbie Moore, opened Newark Art Gallery four years ago at 37 Kirkgate, however, they have moved into the space between Newark Healthfood Shop and Sibley’s Butchers.

The new art gallery, which is across the street from the previous premises, allows the owners to have a salon hanging, and a floor-to-ceiling hanging with paintings.

Owner of Newark Art Gallery, David Moore in his new premises on Kirkgate.

David said: “The building across the road is a beautiful old building and it suited me for the four years we were there.

“But it is time to evolve, Newark is evolving and getting better and better.


“There are a lot of plans in place with the master plan and everything else in the marketplace is coming together, hopefully over the next few years.

“I want to be there to help to push that through or be part of that, as a new shop in town, as opposed to playing catch-up afterwards.”

Newark Art Gallery on Kirkgate.
Newark Art Gallery on Kirkgate.
Some of the artwork for sale at Newark Art Gallery on Kirkgate.

The space is welcoming, with two rooms filled with paintings produced by David himself and other artists from the area as well as sculptures, jewellery and arts and crafts.

It includes an area dedicated to children, with a table and chairs.

The shop owner added: “I love being here. I think sometimes people when they see an art gallery there could be some sort of mental barrier.

“Do we want to go in? Will we be expected to buy something?

“Obviously we are a shop but I think it’s wonderful that people can just come in and just browse and enjoy the pictures, it just uplifts the day, you come in look at the art and enjoy some colour.

Some of the artwork for sale at Newark Art Gallery on Kirkgate.
Some of the artwork for sale at Newark Art Gallery on Kirkgate.

The shop is open Tuesday to Saturday from 9am until 4pm, however, times might extended during the summer period.

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