Struggling councils ‘sit on artworks worth millions with only a third on display’

Less than 30 per cent of artwork owned by councils is on public display, new research has revealed.

Town halls have built up a collection of almost two million pieces of art worth billions of pounds, despite many facing bankruptcy and severe spending cuts, according to the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

Two councils have even grown their collections since 2020 despite effectively declaring bankruptcy.

However, despite owning 1,854,518 pieces of art, local authorities allow the public to view less than a third of it, a report by the alliance has found.

It has prompted calls for councils to sell artwork that is not on public display to help fund public services.

Jonathan Eida, a researcher at the alliance, said: “These findings won’t paint a pretty picture for hard-pressed taxpayers who have been hammered year after year by record-busting council tax hikes.

“Town hall bosses across the UK claim to be on a path to bankruptcy, yet far too many are prioritising art collections over bin collections.

“Councils should ensure that their art holdings are on public display or consider selling them to replenish depleted coffers.”

Collections have grown since 2019

The report by the alliance, which was published on Monday and is known as “Wasting Monet”, has found that councils now own almost £1.5 billion worth of artwork. It also revealed the average council artwork collection is worth more than £8.7 million and numbers 6,265 pieces.

Collections have grown since the alliance’s last report in 2019, despite councils having collectively racked up nearly £100 billion of debt.

Six councils have issued Section 114 notices, an effective declaration of bankruptcy, in the past three financial years. One of them, Birmingham, purchased 61 art pieces between 2020 and 2023. Nottingham has a collection worth £54,178,860, the seventh most expensive of all UK councils.

Half have said they may be forced to issue a Section 114 notice in the next five years. Yet many have also added artworks to their collections between 2020 and 2023.

Wakefield purchased the most

Wakefield, which is facing a 35.6 million funding gap in the next financial year, purchased the most artwork of any council, adding 213 pieces.

The largest collection belongs to County Durham. With 500,000 pieces of art, it is the same size as the Louvre in Paris, and larger than the National Gallery in London.

However, the number of artworks on display has dropped from 30 per cent to 28 per cent.

Manchester, which holds a collection valued at £383 million, displays just 3.3 per cent of it. Cambridgeshire has a collection of 68,556 pieces with just 17 on display.

The alliance found that 12 local authorities did not display any of the artworks they owned. These included Chesterfield, Folkestone and Hythe, Hinckley and Bosworth, Huntingdonshire, North Northamptonshire, Rochdale, Rochford, South Ribble, Stafford, Tendring, Three Rivers, and Wrexham.

Thirty councils, including Dorset and Slough, confirmed they own no works of art.

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