Italian banks open their art collections

Saturday, Oct. 5, Invitation to the Palace returns, now in its 18th edition: historic bank locations open their doors to the public.

Today, Saturday, October 5, 2019, the ABI – Italian Banking Association is organizing the 18th edition of Invito a Palazzo, the event during which Italian banks open the doors of their historic palaces and art collections to the public. The historic locations, filled with art masterpieces, will be open for everyone free of charge and with guided tours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. today: for this 2019 edition, there will be 100 palaces open in 62 Italian cities. In addition to the palaces of banks, the historic headquarters of foundations of banking origin coordinated by Acri – Association of Foundations and Savings Banks and the Bank of Italy (the latter will open its headquarters at Palazzo Koch in Rome) will also be open.

There are 70 palaces of banks and 30 palaces of banking foundations participating this year. Among the new additions will be five palaces opening to the public for the first time. There will also be several events for the occasion. Of particular note: in Reggio Emilia at the CREDEM headquarters in Palazzo Spalletti-Trivelli the Holy Family with Saints Catherine, Elizabeth and John by Lavinia Fontana recently acquired by the bank will be presented to the public for the first time; in Turin at the UniManagement office and at UniCredit offices in Milan (UniCredit Tower), Rome (Palazzo de Carolis) and Bologna (Palazzo Magnani), a meeting with the Carabinieri’s Cultural Heritage Protection Unit, which will illustrate its work; also in Turin, at the Museo del Risparmio, guided tours Stories of piggy banks with a special tour of the museum’s precious collection of piggy banks.

“When you get to eighteen editions of the same event, you can say that the idea is good and the result is appreciated,” says Antonio Patuelli, ABI president. “Invitation to the Palace represents a day of celebration of culture, in which the passion and commitment with which we all strive to make the time and place in which we live better are put at the center. A commitment, that of the Banks and Foundations, that is renewed every day. Making accessible places that are preserved with cultural sensitivity and civic and social passion even when it would be more economically viable to abandon historic locations and move to new ones. This October 5 initiative is an opportunity to enhance a significant historical and artistic heritage.”

“Invitation to the Palace,” stresses Giuseppe Morandini, vice president of Acri, “is a valuable initiative that for one day makes important parts of our historical-architectural heritage accessible to everyone. The Foundations of banking origin and the Savings Banks associated in Acri participate in this event in large numbers because historic palaces and monuments in our cities make up the precious legacy we have received from our ancestors. They hold a unique store of memories and shared values that represent our identity. Making our communities closely acquainted with this heritage is the high road to preserving it, enhancing it and delivering it intact to future generations. Invitation to the Palace has been successfully carrying out this outreach work for eighteen years now.”

For all information and to see which palaces are open, you need to log on to the ABI website.

Pictured: Palazzo del Bene, headquarters of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.

“Invitation to the Palace” returns today: Italian banks open their art collections

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