New Pitsilgo Visual Art Exhibition and the Strichen Festival showcase north-east talent

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There’s a double dose of Buchan based talent on show this weekend as the New Pitsilgo Visual Art Exhibition and the Strichen Festival takes place.

The New Pitsligo Visual Arts Exhibition saw entries submitted over the weekend, drawing from local talent and even attracting an entry from a youngster from Peterborough visiting the area. With judging now taking place over the next few days in a wide range of categories including paintings, photography and crafts the public viewing will open on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday 19 at New Pitsligo Village Hall and St John’s Episcopal from 10am to 5pm daily.

The exhibition in New Pitsligo brings together artwork created across a wide range of mediums and formats.The exhibition in New Pitsligo brings together artwork created across a wide range of mediums and formats.
The exhibition in New Pitsligo brings together artwork created across a wide range of mediums and formats.

On Friday and Saturday the Buchan Heritage Society host the Strichen Festival based in the Ritchie Hall in the village. On Friday 18, there is dancing to the Garioch Blend at 8pm (Entry £7.50 on the door) to get you in the mood before the big day on Saturday 18. Events start in the hall with competitions taking place throughout the day, along with a photographic exhibition from the the James Morrison collection, treasure hunt, heritage scrapbooking and Doric poems from the local youngsters. The prize winners will perform in a concert that starts at 6.30pm compered by Gordon Hay and featuring Robert Lovie and Raymond Jappie (Entry £7.50) and which will be followed by a ceilidh.

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