Beholding the beautiful art at Goa College of Art

28 Mar 2024  |   04:27am IST

Beholding the beautiful art at Goa College of Art

The annual art exhibition of Goa College of Art, Altinho, Panjim, showcases the immense talent of the students. This year, 2024, being the golden jubilee year of the college, the exhibition which is open till today is even more exceptional
Beholding the beautiful art at Goa College of Art

Govind S Poteker

The medium we use to express doesn’t matter provided we have inherent talent to exhibit it. Many a times what we see is just the final project or a performance, and very often oblivious of what went into making that final cut. That’s what the life is. Going through the works of art by students during their annual exhibition that is on display at the Goa College of Art at Altinho one visualizes it. It’s not only the visual that mesmerizes one, but also the hard work the faculty puts in to get the best out of their students. It is always fascinating to spend some time to view the work of our future artists and applied art designers. 

It is the time of the year in the art college, which completed Golden Jubilee last year for students to highlight what they gained during their days in pursuit for artistic talent. Exhibition was opened by Tomazinho Cardozo, former speaker of Goa Assembly in presence of Dr Vivek Kamat, director of Technical Education. 

Wilfred Goes, the principal of the college highlighted the importance of the exhibition to the students, “Art works of every student pursuing degree course from first year to fourth year are displayed. The exhibition showcases the applied and paintings works that are created by students during the academic year. Students and general public who visit the college get an opportunity to see the variety of artistic design the students do in different fieldd of art.” Topper in each category is given a merit prize that helps to bring out the best of the students, he noted. Students from different schools across Goa take this opportunity by visit the college to view the art.

Different arts in painting, portraiture, murals, print making, glass paintings, ceramics and sculpture are displayed, right from simple line drawing to final work, besides photography, animation and audio-visual medium. For students learning to be a good artist, the process begins with the drawing of human figures, anatomy, spiral drawing, head, body parts and varieties of colour hues. 

Briefing on the basics, assistant professor Omkar S N Banaule, one of the faculty who specializes in portraiture said, “Students are taught simple line drawing and shading of nature and man-made objects, 2D design, composition, 

colour application, complementary colours, use of various medium, water colours and poster colours. One can draw through memory process, perspective and landscape, that is the field visits.” 

Three steps of linear, shading and colour understanding puts a student in their artistic endeavor. Looking at the drawings, portraits, landscapes, innovative 3D models, techniques in printmaking and sculptures give a perspective of varied possibilities an artist can venture into. 

Omkar noted, “During the initial years, the students learn the basics and master the use of pencil, soft pastel, acrylic, charcoal, glass marker pen, water and oil colours. Based on the art, the artist chooses colours, which could be achromatic, monochromatic or colour.” Colour scheme is well demonstrated by the young artists through their work.

Portraiture is easy and difficult too as the expression is best visible in the eye and facial features. Most expressions come from our face, what we think and whether one is sad or happy, Omkar expressed.  

Observing the various art forms, one realizes that to be a fine artist, it is indeed a real hard work not only by the students, but also by their faculties. Assistant professor Loretti Pinto noted, “It’s a gradual process from fundamentals of visual art, principles and elements of design. Visual language leads in creating a visual work of art, with mediums of one’s choice. Students are gradually taught how to develop ideas and concepts and taught understanding and use of variety of mediums, best suited for their ideas.” It is important to develop a student’s observational skill and analytical skills by practical process. Students work is constantly analysed and evaluated by the faculty, and students are given feedback and suggestions so that they can improve their skills, imagination and ideas, Loretti added.

While canvas and brush gives one mode of visualizing an art, sculptors provide a different perspective by creating three dimensional forms where hands, cast and mould come into focus. Assistant professor Rajendra Mardolkar, a single faculty in the sculpture department, expressed a great deal of opportunity for students to take up a career as a sculptor while showing different artifacts made by his students using terracotta, ceramic, fiberglass, epoxy and paper-mache. Asked about students taking up sculpting, Rajendra says, “Students are taught various techniques of grinding, welding and stone carving during the course. It is really hard work. Normally, we start with clay and then try other mediums. In Goa, the concept of learning often begins at home where youngsters make a Ganesh idols or Narkasur effigies.”

“With art installations visible everywhere in the city and aesthetic locales, there is enough scope for sculptors. We have a very small studio in the college, but to develop it further we need a larger studio with a bigger baking facility. In Goa, we have enough talent who can take big projects, but lack of opportunity, the artist has to seek job opportunities elsewhere. Although there is scope for big projects, many a time projects are outsourced. Goan artists must get the opportunity that they deserve,” Rajendra says. He is hopeful that in future Goa will need a full degree course in sculpting. However, if we have to start a degree course in sculpting then the infrastructure has to be enhanced further, he expressed.

A final year student Prachi Gawandi sharing her views said, “I used to attend drawing classes prior to joining art college conducted by Rama Naik, a former student of this college, and he used to talk about his time in the print making department as he had done his specialization in that field. I too got fascinated in the subject.” Expressing her happiness for being a student at this college, Prachi said, “The teachers here are really good as I received a lot of support and cooperation during my course. If we compare other institutions, print making department here is just amazing in terms of the availability of materials. We can explore many different mediums which otherwise wouldn’t be possible because it’s very expensive to buy individually.”

With ample scope in various discipline of art, people must come and see what the students learn during the art course and take it as a career, Prof Wilfred Goes opined about the art facilities in the state.

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