Mahogany Songs to offer grants to emerging artists –

Earlier this year, we reported that the company behind the popular Mahogany Sessions YouTube music channel was launching a distribution arm. This platform, Mahogany Songs, launched in May, also provides artist services and leans into the human curation angle that made its channel work well. After guiding its first couple of artists to festival, radio and TV success, it’s now looking to bring more artists to the platform and to invest money into their development. The Mahogany Music Fund is for artists using the platform (or who are seeking to) to apply for grants of up to £2,500 to help create and promote their music.

There will be up to ten initial grant recipients, and selected artists will receive one-on-one sessions from the Mahogany team around “campaign strategy, social media, and A&R”. As we’re seeing with other networks that grow from successful YouTube channels – like The Nations, whose founder we interviewed on our Focus podcast recently – these fleshed-out platforms are starting to control the community, branding, distribution infrastructure, marketing – and artists’ careers too.

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