Olivia Tanner
Grade: Freshman.
Age: 15.
Art focus: Visual arts.
Memorable arts achievement: Many of my art projects this year were a first for me, but my particular favorite was the scratchboard.
Adviser nomination: “Olivia is our Fine Art Student of the Week because she is both an exemplary artist and student. She arrives to class with a smile on her face, consistently asks what she can do to better her work, and is kind towards others. Her art skills are above and beyond her age, along with her work ethic and attitude. Olivia is an absolute gem! Keep up the great work, Olivia!” adviser Amanda Toft said.
What drew you to visual arts? I have always enjoyed art, and I like expressing creative ideas that reflect my interests and my life.
Where do you get inspiration for your work? A lot of the things I created reflected personal interests, or things that I find beautiful.
What’s your favorite kind of piece to make? I like sketching and drawing.
Which project are you most proud of? My raccoon scratchboard.
Artist most admired: My Grandpa Steve Newman is an accomplished artist, and I love seeing his work!
Dream job: I dream of building a career off of my love for writing, whether that’s a public speaker or a fantasy author!
Extracurricular activities: Orchestra, choir, track and field.
Favorite TV show: “Chuck.”
Favorite book: “Ranger’s Apprentice” series by John Flanagan.
Favorite song: “Dancing in the Country” by Tyler Hubbard.
Favorite band/musician: I admire Lindsey Stirling, who is a violin player. Not only does she make incredible music, but she also expresses her true self through her attire, and she always has a positive message to share!
Favorite food: Chicken Divan, a family favorite hot dish.
Hobbies: Art, creative writing, music, mountain biking, water skiing, backpacking.
Parents: Trevor and Jocelyn Tanner.