Woodworker Robert “Bob” Ewald said he thinks living next door to a sawmill influenced his interest in wood.
Stephanie Walcott | For the Exchange
LAURINBURG — Featuring a woodworker and a seamstress for May, the Arts Council of Scotland County (ACSC) is proceeding with its Artist of the Month series.
Woodworker Robert “Bob” Ewald said he thinks living next door to a sawmill influenced his interest in wood. Then, taking shop class his senior year in high school, he made his first turned bowl and piece of furniture. That experience stayed with him, and later in life, he took up woodworking again as a hobby.
Even so, he said, “I do not consider myself to be anything but a novice that learns by his mistakes. Each turned bowl and piece I make is an investment in my education.”
Ewald’s display includes what-not boxes, cutting boards, shelves, and bowls.
Cathy Clarke learned to be a seamstress from her mother and grandmother when she was just a child. She fondly remembers the little metal hand-crank sewing machine she received for her 8th Christmas which used to make Barbie clothes. She went on to make her own clothes and do alterations. She has.
“I always wanted to be an elementary art teacher but ended up applying my art education to my fabric creations,” she said.
Clarke’s exhibit includes table runners, tote bags, denim aprons made from old jeans, and quilts.
Both artists’ work can be viewed 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays until May 31at the Arts Council, located at 131 S. Main St. An artist reception will be held on May 23 from 6 to 7 p.m.