Award-winning Ukrainian artist in Falmouth’s Poly exhibition

Natalia Shamrai, a graphic artist hailing from Kyiv who, along with her daughter, found refuge in Falmouth by way of the Home for Ukraine programme, is holding her first exhibition in her adopted home town.

She says with “Warless”, at The Falmouth Poly from June 4-13 this year, she aims to showcase the resilience and strength of the Ukrainian people, while reflecting her hope for a peaceful Ukraine.

Her niche display of silk scarves doesn’t focus on the war in Ukraine directly; instead, it subtly hints at the ongoing conflict.

The only war-related art piece is named “Victory”, which she painted in mid-2022 as a symbol of hope.

Ms Shamrai says she is passionate about showing the British audience the beauty, culture, and design that Ukraine holds, amidst the bleak image painted by the war.

She is the mastermind behind – a Ukrainian brand known for its intellectually narrative prints and sustainable principle.

The artist, who has been making waves in the international design scene since 2017, specialises in creating large silk scarves with fantastical elements.

These scarves are unique in that they can double as interior items.

Falmouth Packet:

What makes her work stand out is the principle she holds dear: sustainability and limited editions ensuring that each piece has an exclusive feel.

Ms Shamrai’s impressive resume boasts experiences at esteemed international design festivals including Paris Design Week, Frankfurt Ambiente, and Stockholm Formex.

Her contribution to the art world has won her accolades such as the Silver Prize in the Epson Digital Fashion competition in September 2019.

The talented artist represented Ukraine at the Tallinn Design Festival’s online business tour, and won the Silver Prize in the international New Fashion Zone competition in October 2020.

Not long after, she exhibited her silk kimono project in a Ukrainian contemporary art exhibition in Bangkok.

Ms Shamrai has recently returned from participating in exhibitions and fairs around the globe, with the most recent being the Holy Art Fair and London Design Fair.

She was also honoured to win the 16th International Design Award in three categories: Gold in Print/Ads, Silver in Multimedia Social Campaign, and Bronze in Accessories in January 2023.

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