New Bathurst program considers land in a new light

The Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) launches the Seasons program this May with Season One: Terrestrial. The annual Seasons program connects artists to regional experiences of climate, economic and political change. The opening night is 3 May, with the exhibition running 4 May to 23 June.

Season One: Terrestrial considers the past and present, in order to approach the future with reimagined landscapes. Drawing on historical, fabulist, consumer and science fiction perspectives, artists present their interpretations through digital and mixed media works.

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The main gallery hosts Sara Morawetz: Étalon and A land for the living. Sara Morawetz: Étalon is a performance documentation, tracing the footsteps of 18th century astronomers and philosophies of science in Morawetz’s solo odyssey. A land for the living, by Betty Russ, Victoria Pham, Janet Laurence and Karrabing Collective, with Pratchaya Phinthong in the KADIST Screening Space, presents an alien, fantasy landscape using bio-installations, projections and mixed media works to comment on the past and its implications for the future. Visitors are guided through soy laboratories to soil fields, before considering melting glaciers and the protective properties of past violence on the future.

There is no lead mine here is a group exhibition that explores the overlapping of nature, economics and communities. The Out There Bathurst digital platforms explore two futures. The first, by Aaron McGarry, takes us to the sixth mass extinction, while Shonah Trescott and Osvaldo Budet follow a train on its journey to pick up its last payload of coal.

Season One: Terrestrial runs 4 May-23 June 2024 at BRAG, New South Wales.

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