“More than Butter or Sugar” now on display at the Weyburn Art Gallery – DiscoverWeyburn.com

Visual art possesses a remarkable capacity to engage the senses, utilizing its form, color, and texture to transport spectators through time, evoking memories from one’s past. 

The exhibition “More than Butter and Sugar” by Sarah Cummings Truszkowski of Regina is on display at the Weyburn Art Gallery. Cummings Truskowski brilliantly tantalizes the senses of her viewers by evoking poignant memories of loved ones and cherished memories from the past. City Curator, Regan Lanning shares more details on the artist and showcase. 

More than Butter and Sugar (photo by Bernadette Mullen)

“She loves to bake, she loves baking. Acts of service I think is kind of her love language. She loves to take care of people. And she grew up in a family that did the same. So, every get together was marked by a beautiful dessert. She came to realize that as she was baking that this was an act of love for her and that for others eating the dessert is an act of love. These desserts don’t exist in a vacuum, they are often created for celebrations or parties or get togethers, and those get togethers and celebrations and parties are often events that are surrounded and full of love.” 

Lanning mentioned how the exhibit triggered an emotional response, conjuring memories of the sweet treats her great-aunt used to bake and the cherished moments they shared together, a fine testimony about how this exhibition is truly about,”More than Butter and Sugar.”

The Weyburn Art Gallery will be hosting the Artist Reception on Friday, April 19 at 7 p.m. This reception has a bit of a twist as attendees will have the opportunity to sample the same baking that are represented in the exhibition. Cummings Truszkowski, will also be sharing her love for the culinary arts by personally making the reception treats.The event is free to attend, a voluntary silver collection will be taken at the door.

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