Monument Valley pops-up during monthly stroll at Trove Gallery

Visual artist Gwen Cates stands by her painting of the Mittens from Monument Valley. Cates, who lives is Charlottesville, Virginia, will showcase her desert landscapes during a pop-up exhibit Friday at Trove Gallery.
Courtesy of Gwen Cates

Visual art lovers can experience the spirituality of Monument Valley this Friday when internationally renowned Virginia-based painter Gwen Cates opens a pop-up exhibit at Trove Gallery.

The event, which opens at 5 p.m. during this month’s Park City Gallery Association’s Last Friday Gallery Stroll, will feature a collection of oil works, as well as handcrafted jewelry by Monument Valley residents.

The show was originally supposed to be a fundraiser to help Cates’ family friend Larry and Charlotte Holiday, members of the Navajo Nation, repair a hogan that is on their property, said Cate’s daughter Trevor, who lives in Park City.

“At that time mom was putting the paintings together, Larry needed to get some surgery, and unfortunately, he had some complications during the surgery and passed away,” she said. “So, now a portion of the proceeds from the show will go to Charlotte and the family because they have had a lot of expenses associated with his unexpected passing. We want to make sure they have some support.”

Then I’ll throw in other colors, and the paint gets thicker and thicker when I layer one thing over the other.”
Gwen Cates, renowned visual artist

Charlotte and other members of Larry’s family, as well members of the Cates family, will attend the exhibit opening at Trove, and Trevor is looking forward to introducing her mother’s works to Park City.

“I think that bringing Monument Valley to Trove is a great way for more people to experience the area because there are a lot of people who haven’t had the chance to do it,” she said. 

One of the centerpieces of the exhibit is a portrait of the Holidays in front of the famed Monument Valley Money Tree, said Gwen.

“I am planning to give that painting to Charlotte at the exhibit,” she said.

Gwen Cates’ portrait of Charlotte and Larry Holiday at Monument Valley’s famed “Money Tree” will be part of the works showcased during a pop-up exhibit that opens Friday at Trove Gallery. Larry Holiday passed away ealier this year, and Cates plans to give the painting to Charlotte. Sales from other works by Cates will benefit the Holiday family.
Courtesy of Gwen Cates

Larry Holiday actually came up with the idea of Gwen painting a series based on Monument Valley, according to Trevor.

“My husband Barclay (Burns) and I got married at Monument Valley two years ago — he actually proposed to me there — and Larry and Charlotte were the couple that married us,” she said.

The Holidays visited the newlyweds, and Larry noticed the home was devoid of any Monument Valley images and paintings.

“My mom, who lives in Virginia, had never been to Monument Valley, and Larry suggested we send her photographs of the area and let her do a painting from it,” Trevor said. “I called mom, and she said she loved to.”

From there, the Cateses and Holidays began thinking of putting an exhibit together.

“I told my friend about Monument Valley and how meaningful it was and how my mom was working on paintings,” Trevor said.

The friend reached out to Trove Gallery Owner Jen Schumacher and helped set up the show.

“I have 13 of the Monument Valley works that I had painted from photographs,” Gwen said. “I also did a series of Grand Canyon paintings I did when I was on a river trip. So, I’ll have seven of those.”

Gwen began her visual art journey in elementary school.

“From a very young age, I was always drawing and sketching, and my first grade teacher discovered I had a talent,” she said. “She called my parents and told them that I was an artist and that I understood perspective and everyone should encourage her.”

Not only did Gwen’s parents take that advice to heart, all of her teachers through high school did as well.

“After I graduated, I went to Virginia Commonwealth University to study painting, and later on, I went to Hollins University, where I got my degree,” she said.

Gwen’s go-to medium for her landscapes is oil on canvas, but when she creates abstract works, she will use acrylic, gold leaf and all kinds of natural materials.

“But that is another story,” she said with a laugh.

“Green River Beach with Canyon Walls” is part of oil painter Gwen Cates’ “Grand Canyon” Series. Trove Gallery will welcome Cates, who lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with a pop-up exhibit on Friday.
Courtesy of Gwen Cates

Gwen, who has exhibited in Britain, Italy and the United States, enjoys working with oils because she can layer one color over another. 

“I start by washing the colors across the whole canvas, like the blue or gray of the sky and the rust and golden colors of the land below,” she said. “Then I’ll throw in other colors, and the paint gets thicker and thicker when I layer one thing over the other. It’s a delightful way to work.”

The trick of painting Monument Valley scenes from photographs is capturing the spirituality of the area through the colors and compositions on the canvas.

“I have used a series of six different photographs that I set up, so it was like I was walking through the scene and experiencing it,” Gwen said. “Then I will start playing with images and have my adventures.”

After Gwen gets to a point where she may think a work is finished, she will take a photograph and load it onto her computer.

“I’ll look at it and pour myself a cup of tea and see if there is anything I need to do before I sign it,” she said. “I’m not above making little changes if a painting needs it. If I don’t see anything that needs to be done, I’ll put that signature on, and that’s when I have told myself that I have finished the painting.”

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