Islamic Art for ArtsNational | Noosa Today

Alhambra Palace

Jim Fagan

Art lovers from many parts of the world have been thrilled and inspired or more than 700 years with the symmetry and patterns of Alhambra Palace in Granada.

And this Saturday Adfas Noosa members (now rebranded ArtsNational Noosa) will be taken on a tour of the Alhambra by Dr David Banney.

Brisbane born David is a conductor, composer and music educator, having taught music from primary school to post-graduate level. He is a well-known public educator, has lectured for Musica Viva and presented internationally on music education.

David’s interest in symmetry and patterns lead to his appointment as conjoint senior lecturer in mathematics at the University of Newcastle. Here he devised and delivered the course – Einstein, Bach and the Taj Mahal: Symmetry for Everyone – exploring the roles of symmetry in diverse disciplines – mathematics, science, visual art and design, music, literature and psychology.

The Alhambra is a virtual encyclopedia of symmetry and patterns, even more remarkable given the simplicity of the tools available to the artists and craftsmen. His lecture introduces the extraordinary techniques of design and construction that lie behind the geometric shapes of the Alhambra.

ArtsNational Noosa is one of a network of 36 societies throughout Australia which source recognised international and Australian based experts to deliver highly illustrated presentations across the arts –– painting, sculpture, multimedia, architecture, landscaping, dance, music, writing, history ancient and modern.

Alhambra Palace with Dr David Banney, Saturday April 20,.St Mary’s Church, 17 William St, Tewantin 3.45 for a 4pm. Bookings visitors $30 including wine & canapes.

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