Friday, October 25, 2024 from 11 AM to 4 PM
Athenaeum Art Center
$245/265 + $75 materials fee
Section 1:
Friday–Sunday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
October 25–27
(3 days, 15 total hours of instruction)
AAC Art Studio
$245/265 + $75 materials fee
Section 2:
Friday–Sunday, 11 AM–4 PM
November 8–10
(3 days, 15 total hours of instruction)
AAC Art Studio
$245/265 + $75 materials fee
Encaustic painting (painting using hot wax and beeswax) is an ancient medium that not only looks luminous and dreamy, but it smells nice too.
Working in hot wax allows for fast assembly of many mixed-media compositions. The warmed wax is applied by brush then set by heat gun. Once it has cooled, the piece has a durable finish. You may add layers on top of the finish, dig into it, or embed things. In fact, there are an amazing number of ways to work in this medium.
You may leave your work at your station for the entire workshop.
Materials: The material fee includes three small wood-panel supports, 8” x 8”; R & F encaustic medium; some R & F wax colors; R & F wax colors sticks; heated palette; some brushes; heat guns; some collage materials; some paints; images; things to embed; mark-making tools; oil pastels; collage materials; transfer materials; paints; gloves; scissors.
Optional: you may bring to class an apron; mask for face if sensitive to the smell of heated wax; paper towels; tracing paper; larger cradled birchwood boards or Ampersand Encausticbords; notepad and pen; your own mark-making tools; dried botanicals to embed.
Max students: 12
Event Supported By
Athenaeum Music & Arts Library