Worst Tattoos Tattoo Artists Have Ever Done


“I worked in a tattoo shop for many years, and I gotta say, we all had a good sense of humor, but one that stands out to me as being extra hilarious, was an older (gay) gentleman, who got a HUGE violin on his back (like, from his buttcrack to the back of his neck. We, of course, asked why he chose that, and he said, ‘My partner plays violin, and he wanted to be able to ‘play’ me from behind,’ and we were like, ‘Oh.'”

“Also, when he got to the lower part of the tattoo (near the butt), he stood up and revealed that he was wearing breakaway pants and proceeded to sit buck naked for the rest of the tattoo. The artist doing it was soooo uncomfortable, but the rest of us were dying of laughter. Great day. I miss working there sometimes.”


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