West Berks & North Hants artists and makers ready to welcome visitors

THIS year’s Open Studios artists and makers throw open their doors on Saturday to welcome visitors at various times until May 27.

Go along to the taster show INSIGHT at The Base Greenham to see examples of all the participants’ work and then you can decide which combination of artists and makers you want to explore further and go to their studios, workspaces or exhibitions in West Berks and North Hants.

Insight 2023

You’ll see new faces as well as regulars, working in the areas of painting, textiles, ceramics, jewellery, printmaking, woodworking, stone and glass.

Over the last few weeks we have been meeting some of the artists taking part and this week introduce you to the Westbrook artists: Bryony Wingfield Digby, Gay Smith and Emma Moscow who live virtually next door to each other in the pretty village of Boxford.

They will be exhibiting together throughout May in Bryony’s studio at Berry Cottage in Westbrook, Boxford. They will also be showcasing their work too at the Watermill theatre, Bagnor, along with John Brazendale, David Jones and Jonathan Newey.


Emma says: “Taking part in Open Studios gives us a wonderful opportunity to show our work and we love meeting the fantastic variety of art appreciating visitors.”

Westbrook Artists

Bryony discovered gelplates a few years ago and has been experimenting with them ever since, still only scratching the surface of their possibilities. Working mainly in black and white allows her to focus on texture and mark-making using whatever materials (usually from her recycling bin!) she can find.

Gay works in acrylic and oils. Being a nature lover and keen gardener her work reflects her love of flowers she grows in her garden and the local landscape. She is currently experimenting with a more abstract approach and a looser style.

Westbrook Artists

Emma designs and creates hats and headpieces. She uses couture techniques to make bespoke and ready to wear pieces and her work has recently been seen in the royal carriages at Royal Ascot and on the stage.

The studio will be open from 11am – 5pm on every weekend in May and on weekdays by appointment.

Westbrook Artists

If you fancy having a go at Gelli printing or making a headpiece then why not try a workshop? Go to https://www.open-studios.org.uk/entry/2024/westbrook-artists for details.

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