Letters: Artists say thank you | Straight to What a Week | Thrilled and humbled by award

Artists say thank you

The Alliance for the Visual Arts and its participating artists are incredibly grateful for your coverage of the 2024 Tri-Valley Artist Studio Tour. Such events take work from so many different sectors, and media coverage serves as the crucial bridge between artist and community. 

Our bustling modern life presents so many opportunities for stories, and the coverage in Pleasanton Weekly was significant to both the turnout to our event, and the excitement of the artists as their weekend to shine approached.

Many artists were not only able to sell work, but create meaningful connections by talking directly to readers of PW who took the time out of their weekend to respond to the call to action that the article put out. 

The significance of reading about an art event in reliable print and then following through to visit venues, shake hands, sign guest books, talk — and buy — art, and enjoy fulfilling time with friends and family is not lost on us in the AVA or the larger art community.

This is the type of coverage and event that leaves a community feeling wholesome and, as artists in particular, motivated to continue our search for connection and beauty. 

We really hope to see everyone again next year. 

— Dennis Baker, Linda Ryan, Neil Mitchell and everyone at Alliance for the Visual Arts

Straight to What a Week

Every week when I read the Pleasanton Weekly, I go straight for Jeremy Walsh’s article. He is an amazing writer. His subject matter is always interesting and his storytelling is brilliant. I especially loved the article about his grandma. It was extremely heartfelt and poignant.

I moved to Pleasanton in 1995, and I have always enjoyed reading the Pleasanton Weekly but with Jeremy’s articles, the paper has truly benefited.

— Diana Champlin

Thrilled and humbled by award

Thank you, Community of Character Collaborative, for honoring Sunflower Hill with the prestigious Juanita Haugen Community of Character award. We are thrilled and humbled to be honored alongside Lynn Gatehouse of the Alan Hu Foundation, Wayne Johnson and the 11 inspiring students that were awarded Juanita Haugen Memorial Scholarships. 

Since 2013, Sunflower Hill has been committed to creating places and spaces where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities can live, work, learn and thrive, as part of the greater community.

We are thrilled that our first residential community is located in Pleasanton, a shining example of a true Community of Character. Thank you to Craig Eicher, Ken Mano, Heather Haugen Rizzoli and the entire board of the Community of Character Collaborative for bringing the Pleasanton community together and putting on this inspirational annual luncheon. 

And personally, I am so proud to have lived in Pleasanton for over 30 years, to have raised our boys here, and that our oldest son is a resident of SFH at Irby Ranch. So much to be grateful for. Thank you, sincerely, for this great honor. 

— Janeen Rubino-Brumm, board president, Sunflower Hill

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