First Saturday highlights Evanston artists

Art was in the air this weekend at the First Saturday Evanston Art Events, a day of city-wide art exploration. Sponsored by Evanston Made, the free monthly showcase features open artist studios, hands-on activities, art displays and gallery openings in more than two dozen venues throughout the city. The public is invited to meet artists and small business owners, shop for handmade goods and notice art all around them. 

“First Saturday is an opportunity for emerging artists to connect with the creative community here, and all the people who love Evanston art,” said Evanston Made co-founder Lisa Degliantoni. Art seekers can discover more at the next First Saturday, taking place throughout the city on May 4.

Carrie Jackson is an Evanston-based freelance writer and communications specialist, with a focus on holistic health and fostering sustainable communities. Music and art fill her up, and she enjoys exploring…
More by Carrie Jackson

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