The Crawford Art Gallery wants you to pick your favourite artworks for their upcoming exhibition

It’s called “You Tell, We Show”

Have you always wanted to create your own art exhibition? Well, now’s your chance! For their new exhibition – “You Tell, We Show” – The Crawford Art Gallery is asking people to choose artworks from their collection.

All submissions will then be reviewed, and the gallery will curate a new exhibition. But be quick – you have from the 13th to the 27th of May to submit the name of your chosen artwork, along with the reason for your choice.

You can browse the online collection of the Crawford Art Gallery to help you make your decision; however, some artworks may not be available for display, including their collection of Harry Clarke stained glass, watercolours, and illustrations.

Crawford Art Gallery located on Emmet Place

The Crawford Art Gallery says that the main reason behind this unique exhibition is because:

“In many cases it will be the last chance to encounter these objects, held with deep affection or charged with significance, before they temporarily leave our building in advance of its major redevelopment.”

The redevelopment of the gallery plans to expand and modernise the building, create new
exhibition spaces, and provide panoramic views of Cork City.

While you’re there, you should definitely check out The Green Room, the gallery’s delish
café and wine bar! (Link to previous article? )

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