Montrose art gallery owner Anya Tish has died

Anya Tish, long-time owner of the eponymous gallery in Montrose, died on June 12 in her hometown of Kraków, Poland, according to a statement released by the Anya Tish Gallery. Mark Tish, her husband of 50 years, was by her side.

Since its opening in 1996, the Anya Tish Gallery at 4411 Montrose has been a familiar destination for art lovers. Anya’s emphasis on global works that address social and environmental issues, attracted an international following within Houston’s notably diverse, creative community. Her space quickly became known for showcasing contemporary art by both established and emerging talent. Paintings, sculptures, photography and videos were consistently on view. For nearly three decades, her relationships with gallerists and museums in the U.S., Europe and Russia brought conceptual and material exhibits to Houston’s artistic hub, adjacent to the Museum District.

After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the Anya Tish Gallery hosted a Slava Ukraini! fundraiser featuring the sale of more than 50 pieces donated by local artists. Proceeds benefited the Care Ukraine Crisis Fund. Having grown up in Poland, a border country, Anya felt an obligation to support her Ukranian neighbors.

“I’m shocked and appalled by the tragedy and the catastrophe that is taking place next door to the country I come from, and which is very close to my heart,” she told PaperCity. “My friends and artists in Poland are all actively helping the refugees, volunteering and housing them in their homes.”

In recent years, the Anya Tish Gallery featured a number of shows by South Asian and Latin X artists, too. 

Anya was best known for her signature eye glasses, always in a distinctive shape or pattern, and her nurturing of young talent. Her gallery, a blank canvas for thought-provoking work within one of Montrose’s most recognizable, Brutalist buildings, plans to continue its work to honor her legacy.

This story is developing and will be updated.

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