Lake District: Punk Queen artwork found in Windermere gallery

Artist Illuminati, also known as Mark Sloper, created the portrait back in 2020 which reimagined Her Majesty in a punk style with green hair, a nose ring and a love heart tattoo with ‘Philip’ in the centre of it.

Famous names who own some of the original Queen pieces include Michael Buble, Akon, Lord Vaizey, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Boy George and John McEnroe.

Queen Elizabeth was 94 years old at the time and thought it was hilarious but asked for the tattoo to be changed to feature her Royal crest instead.

She also asked that the original pieces with Philip on the tattoo were removed from circulation.

The Westmorland Gazette: The Queen asked for the original piece with the Philip tattoo to be removedNow, four years later, one of those original pieces has been unearthed at Windermere Fine Art Gallery in the Lake District. 

On unpacking the delivery of eight original pieces of art from internationally renowned artist Illuminati, owner Dawn Titherington discovered the rare piece.

She said: “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found the original artwork with the Philip tattoo as I thought they are all owned either by the Royal family or private collectors around the world. This is an amazing chance to see something so rare and I can’t believe it turned up in our delivery.” 

The Westmorland Gazette: Original Queen pieces include Michael Buble, Akon, Lord Vaizey, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Boy GeorgeArtist Mark was asked for comment on how the piece came back into public eye.

He said: “I must have included the piece along with a number of others that were officially approved by the Royal Family when I was clearing out my studio.

“It is one of only a handful that still remain in public as I was asked to not produce any more with the Philip tattoo. I would rather that people could see it and enjoy it rather than having to recycle it as it has such a special story behind it.

“The Queen herself thought that it was a ‘hoot’ but asked for the tattoo to be changed, which of course I did.”

Windermere Fine Art Gallery also has another rare piece of Royal art from Illuminati on display. This is a Queen in Residence flag from the 1890s which has a neon sign added. 

The Westmorland Gazette: Sting and Danny Dyer own 'Queen in Residence' piecesMark added: “The Queen in Residence flags are originals from all around the world and there are no more available from 1870 – 1910 when they were made using silk or other fine materials and hand stitched.

“The Royal family never gave them away, but I believe that members of staff would take one when they left and that’s how they came into the public sphere. I think there is something of a punk attitude to these flags which goes perfectly with my work.” 

Queen in Residence pieces have also been collected by celebrities including Sting, and Danny Dyer. 

The new collection artwork can now be viewed at Windermere Fine Art alongside other critically acclaimed artists such as Michelle Mackie, Dirty Hans, Mr Brainwash and recently launched Lhouette, Maxim and Chess.

All originals and limited edition prints are available for sale. 

The gallery can be found at 25 Crescent Road, Windermere LA23 1BJ. It is open Monday – Saturday 10.30am – 5.30pm and on Sunday by appointment only. 

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