Last Wednesday (May 8), a new two-part exhibition opened at the University of Tartu Library. “4.7 Billion Books. Archives of the Mind. The Artists’ Book Collection” is the result of a collaboration between Eve Kase and Viktor Gurov along with graphic design students from the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA).
The exhibition “4.7 Billion Books. Archive of the Mind” is based on research conducted by the curators and students on the topics of memory and heritage. This included visits to memory institutions and the archives in both Tartu and Tallinn. The works relate to the students’ personal family or community stories, through which they were able to explore the broader themes of identity, preservation, love and, above all, memory.
In addition to collecting materials, the artists involved also drew inspiration from conversations they had with their loved ones. The exhibition also ties in with this year’s Prima Vista Literary Festival, the theme of which is “Futures: Better and Worse,” and raises questions of how to draw the strength to create a better future.
On the third floor of the University of Tartu Library, a collection of artists’ books from the graphic arts department at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) are now on display. The collection was compiled and designed by second-year students from that same department.
The broader aim of the exhibition is to draw the attention of both the general public and the artistic community to the phenomenon of the artist’s book as well as to explore the concept and possibilities of this particular medium.
Artists’ books have been making their mark on the world art scene since the avant-garde movement of the 1960s, and the phenomenon has retained its popularity to this day. In Estonia however, the practice is virtually unknown.
According to the notes to introduce the exhibition, the small size of Estonia has not allowed for the emergence of a market for artist’s books or a circle of collectors with a special interest in them. Therefore, artist’s books have remained the preserve of a few dedicated enthusiasts

“It is easy to misunderstand an artist’s book – it is not an illustrated publication, nor is it an artist’s portfolio, but an independent medium in which the artist is both the author and maker of the book, controlling the process from the initial idea to its completion. This exhibition aims to popularize the artist’s book genre, both in the form of an exhibition and a presentation.”
The artists whose work features in the exhibition are Annamaria Bereczki, Margarita Feofanova, Eve Kask, Jan Kaus, Triin Mänd, Marten Prei and Sandra Puusepp.
The gallery exhibition on the second floor will remain open until August 15, while the exhibition of artists’ books on the third floor is on display until June 2.
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