Five Paris Gallery Weekend artists on their favorite music

Natacha Donzé (Swiss, b. 1991) 

‘When I arrive at the studio in the morning, I usually spend a bit of time in silence, drinking a cup of coffee and looking at what I’ve done the day before (or previously), and deciding what I’m going to work on. The rest of the time, the presence of music is almost constant, helping me to concentrate, paint, or think. Without music, it works much less well. I listen to a lot of different things: rock, electro, blues or country, rap, hip-hop, R’n’B or ambient music…Mostly, I try to find something that suits the moment. Some time ago, I discovered Alice Coltrane’s Kirtan: Turiya Sings (1982) album, and I’m a big fan. Then there are songwriters I always come back to, like Leonard Cohen or Daniel Johnston, or the British post-punk band The Durutti Column. I often make sudden jumps between albums. Today I started my day with Stevie Wonder, followed by NIN (Nine Inch Nails), Prince, Santana, and now I’ve put on a track by Swans, which is pretty noisy rock. I believe that music is also a matter of chance, a combination of circumstances. So my most memorable concert memories are often linked to improbable moments, like a university orchestra concert in New Orleans, when I had just gone to see the architecture of the building – it was magical.’

Natacha Donzé

Until July 1

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