Nearly 80% of wealthy art collectors want their masterpieces to stay in the family, according to a Bank of America survey. One problem: almost one-third of all future heirs don’t feel the same.
Part of the conflict is due to different preferences. For instance, the survey found that collectors between 21 and 43 have a greater appreciation for sculptures and antiquities than older art aficionados.
Rich art collectors are reluctant to address the issue, according to Rosemary Ringwald, head of art planning at Bank of America’s private bank. The survey of individuals with at least $3 million in investible assets, conducted from January through February 2024, found nearly half of 1,007 respondents have not made provisions for art or other tangible assets in their estate plans. But there are ways for collectors to control the fate of their prized possessions after they die. Some of these estate planning tactics can also save millions in taxes.
“If you’re OK with your son selling it and buying a vacation home, fine. But not everyone’s going to feel that way or be OK with the museum taking it and turning around and selling it and not exhibiting it at all,” she told Business Insider. “You have to figure out what’s important to you as the person who owns this property.”
How collectors can keep art on their walls before giving it away to non-heirs
Collectors who decide to give their art to a friend or a non-immediate family member can save on taxes and keep their art on their walls for years at the same time. They can use their collection to fund a grantor-retained income trust (“GRIT”), which allows the grantor — whoever funds the trust — to keep the art for a set number of years. When the GRIT terminates, the art goes to the designated beneficiary.
GRITs also freeze the taxable value of the art even if it appreciates substantially. This value is also discounted, depending on the length of the trust and an interest rate calculated by the IRS called the 7520 rate, which has more than doubled since 2019 to 5.4%.
Courtesy of Bank of America
The collector can choose anyone in their family except for immediate relatives or descendants and their spouses. Unmarried partners and aunts and uncles are fair game.
Here is an example of how it can work, according to Ringwald:
Consider a 60-year-old collector who owns a painting with a fair market value of $10 million. He funds a GRIT when the 7520 rate is 5%. When the GRIT ends in 10 years, the painting will go to his nephew. The gift’s taxable value is discounted to $5,397,700 despite the painting’s worth appreciating to more than $16 million, assuming a 5% growth rate. The collector has used less than half of his federal estate tax exemption, which is currently $13.61 million per individual, thanks to Trump’s tax cuts. This means the gift will not incur a 40% federal estate tax. If he had waited until death to bequeath the painting, the $16 million gift would incur $2.39 million in federal estate taxes even if Congress extended the exemption, and it was the collector’s only taxable gift.
Many museums want cash and may sell donated works to fund their operations
One of Ringwald’s clients, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, was reluctant to give a painting to her adult son, who planned to sell it to buy a home in Aspen.
For the client to honor her mother’s legacy, Ringwald suggested the client give financial assets to her son and give the painting to the museum under the condition that it would keep the painting rather than sell it to fund operations. This practice, referred to as deaccession, has become more common since the pandemic when museums ran dangerously low on cash.
“The last thing you want to do is have something that is really important to you being sold by the museum after your death because you didn’t discuss or have anything in writing about the parameters of what this bequest to the museum would mean,” she said.
People who want to donate their collections to charity but aren’t quite willing to part with them can make a fractional interest gift. The donor gives an ownership interest to the charity with an agreement to donate the entire ownership within 10 years or their death, whichever comes first.
Here is an example of how it could work, according to Ringwald:
Consider a collector who wants to donate 50% interest in a painting with a fair market value of $1 million to a local museum. For ten years, he is allowed to keep the painting for about half of each year, depending on factors like shipping and restoration. The remainder of the time, the painting is kept by the museum. The donor qualifies for a $500,000 charitable deduction upfront. (His total deductions are capped at 30% of his adjusted gross income.) When the museum assumes complete ownership of the painting after 10 years, the donor does not receive a deduction on the remaining value of the painting even if its value has appreciated.
Collectors are increasingly picking art executors or art trustees to oversee their possessions after they die, she said. The ideal executor does not have a financial interest in the art and isn’t a prospective owner of it. A fellow collector or an art advisor is an obvious choice, but you can also pick someone who is just a good negotiator, she said.
One of the biggest challenges is negotiating with museums that push for donations of cash or stock in addition to art. Ringwald spent several years working with a car collector who wanted a guarantee that his “sacred cow” cars would not be sold.
“The clients I work with really resist that,” she said. “That has become a significant issue.”