Discover books in all their forms at the PAGE(S fair, which brings together some 100 exhibitors focusing on literature and bibliophily, on May 11 and 12, 2024. Take the opportunity to discover an exhibition on the Surrealist period!
Passionate about literature and books, come and discover the object in all its forms, on May 11 and 12, 2024, in the heart of the Bastille Design Center. Meet the people who make books: publishers, printers, authors, artists, painters, engravers, lithographers and calligraphers, from all over France and abroad, to share their expertise with you! For the 26th edition of PAGE(S, this not-to-be-missed event for collectors and bibliophiles, there will also be an exhibition on the theme of the Nude in bibliophily, during the Surrealist period.
The artists and technicians of the book trade will be delighted to share with you the diversity of their works, media and techniques, from tiny formats to very large folios, created with tradition or modernity, adapted to their time but always with passion. All your senses are invited to participate in this literary fair, with textures to caress, bindings and waste paper to smell, and images to see and read. Students from theEcole Estienne will also be showcasing their creations, a real takeover of the book. After all, books are sometimes objets d’art and rare works of art, printed in limited editions and destined to last into the future.
Page(s is both an annual autumn event, this time taking place from November 29 to December 1, 2024, and a biennial event in the spring.