Taghum Hall’s Creative Spaces summer art camp for kids ready to roll

Creative Spaces program offers activities in visual art, dance, theatre and music for kids aged 7-12

Nelson area kids of the artsy persuasion can beat boredom in creative ways this July through a special art camp at Taghum Hall.

Creative Spaces, which runs the weeks of July 8, 15, and 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., offers activities in visual art, dance, theatre and music for kids aged 7-12. This is the ninth year for this popular annual program. 

“The facilitators this year are stellar,” says organizer Heather Haake. “Whether kids register for one, two, or all three weeks, they are certain to have a great experience.”

Indie Eaton, with 10 years’ practice in dance and music, offers activities in both artistic disciplines. Kristy Lannan draws on her Performing Arts Diploma from Mount Royal University to lead the campers through a range of theatre experiences. 

Lance Ledger will join the camp for two of the three weeks to lead music activities with an Indigenous flavour. Ledger plays guitar, hand drum, native American flute – and he raps! Jillian West, an alumnus of Creative Spaces and of Taghum Hall Youth Presents, offers visual arts and crafts to round out the program. Musician and all-around fun guy Jordan Bonin serves as 2024 camp co-ordinator.

The registration fee of $275 per week includes snacks and lunches. Some bursaries are available, thanks to RDCK Area F, which has been a supporter annually since the inception of Creative Spaces. Full information is available at www.taghumhall.ca.

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